
Thursday, May 21, 2015

#visitmyig #myon9shop

Hi korang, nka bagitahu ni, i have my instagram online shop!. So, you guys if nak cuci-cuci mata or nak shopping online tu, just visit my ig, keyh!!.

We sell branded handbags, watches, women accessories, jubah and dresses!!. I only choose the thing that i want to buy myself.

And...... the lowest price you can get!.. Come shop with us and please support me, thanks!!. ;)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tips untuk View PDF file in Windows 8

Since my laptop always hang, lagging, pe lagi istilah untuk laptop yang sellau jammed ah?. aku pun pinjam la laptop my boyfriend, and he rarely use his laptop. Hehe... Umur laptop aku since aku tahun 2 kat universiti lagi kot. Macam-macam penyakit dah datang kat laptop aku. hahah... So, aku the laptop is using windows 8, and im soo noob la bab windows 8 ni, serously, aku sangat terbiasa windows 7, and aku sangat blur, nak nanges handle windows 8, i know, im agak oudated. haha... what to do kan.

Oleh kerana aku bekerja dengan menggunakan a lot of journals, paper works, report which is mostly in pdf file, aku pun stress gila lah bila bukak pdf file, but in fullscreen. Nak print pun aku susah nak adjust setting.. Otokee?? Dah macam-macam dah aku buat nak minimise so aku senang nak refer or copy to the other file (word). PDF in fullscreen so inconvenient, melambatkan kerja aku,  So aku google la, pun takde jugak solution.. huhu... 

So, aku carik inisiatif lain, so that aku dapat open the selected pdf file in other format, lastly, terjumpa la satu website untuk download full software, aku search la pdf editor cenggitu.. taadaaahhhh.. terjumpa la software ni>>Foxit Reader

Finally,,,, aku dapat jugak bukak dua file at the same time!.. Im a happy kid!.. ahaha....

Kiri=pdf, Kanan=word

So, aku dah boleh buat kerja dengan efisyen and tenangnya.... :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

In love with The Gold Prada Purse

Well, I lovess online shopping, theres no need to walk around the mall to find i what i always looking for. Kadang-kadang penat jugak tau, habis pusing satu mall mencarik satu benda yang nak dibeli. haha... no choice!

Dah lama gak la ushar instagram @bangsarchix ni, finally, i bought a gold purse!.. aku pun tak ingat dah bila last aku beli purse.. haha... it was so cheap and pretty,just RM30, exclusive postage.

glitter glitter youalss.. nice!.. my mum pun jealous, gonna repeat order, and buy for her!.. ;)

Friday, May 8, 2015

6 Years and Still Counting


Its been 6 years we've been together.... And hoping we will tie the knot?. InsyaAllah, semoga panjang jodoh kita, Allah permudahkan.. ;)

My Workstation

Salam Jumaat semua,

Okay, every morning, I will drive to my office, kalau traffik tak jam sangat, bout half and hour dah sampai, if jam, pheww, penat punggung sejam dok lam kereta!.. haha...

Well, this is my desk, no pc, just have to bring my own laptop. And doing my own works without interruption. Working here is like giving me peace, no pressure and better than my previous job. I hope.

This is the view from my seat. ;).. Pretty comfy. hehe.......

Now, lets get to work!.. :)