Valuable Gadgets...
Sebelum tu, apa tu gadget??
A gadget is a small[1] technological object (such as a device or an appliance) that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are invariably considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than normal technological objects at the time of their invention. Gadgets are sometimes also referred to as gizmos. (wikipedia)
- Laptop Acer pemberian Uncle kesayangan...
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Acer Lappy |
3. External HD kuuuu
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Sekadar gambar hiasan... nak yg camni... pink karerr..:P |
4. MP4 lama dah xpakai..:P
Tu je kot.. Aku simple2 je, xyah banyak2 gadget.. hehe.. xde iphone ke ipad ke, ipod ke.. Xdenyer... suma basic thingss...:P
alahai comelnye laptop die..
memang gadget2 ni dapat membantu kita dalam kehidupan kan
Mantap la gadget² Dea. Laptop siap ada bunga² yg x tahan tu..hehe
@Cik Ezyhihi..tgk empunya la..hihi
@Sharinginfozyerp!!.. susah kalau xde gadget ni..:)
@Eichikatsusticker je pon.. hehe
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